I will never forget the shock of participating in Beach Clean for the first time.
Marine debris does not occur naturally.
I want to tell in my art project “ORINASU”
Realistic of the global environment. And respect for those who are doing environmental protection activities.
ORINASU is an art project created by minami shibata.
it was inspired by the traditional Japanese culture “Sakiori”.
Sakiori is a culture of the middle Edo period (around the 17th century)
Use thin clothing, weaving them.
This is sakiori, and the prototype of ORINASU.
minami mixed rubbish with this traditional Japanese handicraft.
Because if you use this technique, rubbish will become a material
and will be revived as an art work.
And I want to tell you that things also have life
I would like to express my gratitude and respect to the people who clean the sea.
minami shibata
Born in Japan, I have loved drawing, art, and creating time since I was a kid. She went on to the architecture department of an industrial high school, after which she became an architect.
The fun of drawing and reunion, she started creative activities in 2013.
In 2014 she went to New York. And she had a solo exhibition
and to Spain, Germany, Austria,
After she returned to Japan, she moved to Kyoto, Tokyo and Naoshima. Continue to create while moving.
And she developed “ORINASU” after 5 years of adventure.
Search for materials in the sea,
Draw a picture, weave a cloth, carve a tree
And continue to challenge to convey social issues through art.
- Exhibition Environmental Festival Fukuoka 2021
- Award Nippon Foundation, Ministry of the Environment joint project
“Marine Debris Zero Award 2021”
Minister of the Environment Award - 制作(福岡) TV Show Water and Green Campaign
“Marine debris art project” - 個展(福岡) Fukuoka Prefectural Public Hall “Kihinkan”
- 個展(福岡) UNPLAN Fukuoka グランドオープン企画「Drawing でPainting でIllustration」
- 展示(東京・神奈川) 株式会社WATASU, SDGs 17 Club 企画、
東京ポートシティ竹芝、三井アウトレットパーク横浜ベイサイド - 展示(神奈川) 神奈川県JAPAN SDGs ACTION、マークイズみなとみらい
- 展示・WS(福岡) リサイクルの上をいく! SDGs なアートをつくろう!
- 展示(神奈川) 株式会社WATASU, SDGs 17 Club 企画、藤沢市役所
- 展示(大阪) NU chayamachi 15周年企画展示、アップサイクルウィーク公開制作
- 製作(福岡) 日本財団海と日本プロジェクト×九州大学大学院工学研究院附属環境工学研究教育センター
「うみつなぎふくおか」クリエイティブチーム参加、イベント企画 - 展示(福岡) 博多阪急「Save the sea ~海×アップサイクル~」
- 製作(福岡) KYANCHOME、壁画、ロゴ、キャラクター
- 製作(福岡) 10minhtmlアプリ、キャラクター、アイコン
- WS(福岡) 西日本新聞こども新聞記者、海岸調べと製作
- WS(福岡) おおむた化学広場、九大ブース
- 展示(福岡) 福岡市環境フェスタ
- 個展(福岡) ORINASUスクラップでビルド
- 個展(大阪) カケラのカケラ、名古屋モザイク
- 製作(福岡) 直方映画祭ビジュアル、グッズ製作、展示
- 製作(福岡) 直方チューリップフェアイベントTシャツ
- 個展(福岡) minami 2nd EXHIBITION“点と線は流転する”